The Gospel Truth
Caroline reads an excerpt from The Gospel Truth for World Read Aloud Day 2015.
Novel Excerpt |
Collecting Words
According to Phoebe
I collect words.
Some come from Mr. Cooke's lessons, big words about the big world: A-mer-i-ca Vir-gin-ia I feel smart knowing the words, even if I know nothing about anything beyond Whitehaven's fences. Some come from Master's newspapers. Small words ripped out, saved from being twisted and burned in his fireplace: Slave Sale Cook Some I just sound out in my head myself. Fee-bee Mom-ma But they's all mine. I keep them hidden in the pages of Miss Tessa's old speller. Bury it deep inside the hollow trunk standing a mile or two inside the woods. 'Cause a slave can't have words. Or hope. But I do. I got both, buried deep in the hollow part of me. |